
Director of Operations

Neil May - Director of Operations / Public Adjuster

Neil May

Chief Public 


Kirby Hendry - Chief Public Adjuster

Kirby Hendry




Call our office at 



Property Loss Consultant

Hunter Hayes - Property Loss Consultant

Hunter Hayes

Office Manager


Taylor Sakamoto - Office Manager

Taylor Sakamoto

This shows how you need to beware and be aware of predatory companies.  Judi signed with a company that charged 30% and did not even handle her claim.  Their actions then caused her claim to be overly scrutinized and then denied for 6 months. 


Judi's contractor recommended our services.  We documented the claim and fought with her insurance company for months.  Our assistance and documentation were used to get her claim covered.  She received a settlement for more than she was expecting.  This is why it pays to not only hire a public adjuster but to also hire the correct team. 

Spartan Claim Resources on the news. 

Spartan Claim Resources is the pre-legal solution to insurance claim handling. 

This Clark Howard Fox news clip is from 7 years ago but couldn't be truer today. 

The sad truth is that if your carrier is not fighting you then they are most likely underpaying your claim.   Some companies will fight you every time.  Insurance claims are not fast and if they are paying quickly, they are trying to shut down your claim. 


Clark has another video where he says that insurance companies are only paying 65 cents on the dollar to settle claims.  I agree that they are underpaying claims but 65% is unlikely if you are not getting professional assistance. 

Kitchen Fire

Kitchen fire claim. 

Garage fire loss

Garage fire claim.

Electrical fire

Electrical fire loss.

Neil In PPE for warehouse fire.

Neil inspecting warehouse fire loss.

Team in PPE ready for fire inspection

Team in gear to inspect fire loss. 

Kirby inspecting a fire loss.

Kirby inspecting a fire loss. 

Hunter inspecting a fire loss.

Hunter inspecting a fire loss.

Fire damage from interior

Kirby locating fire damage to the roof.

Kirby overlooking the city.

Kirby overlooking the city.

 Penthouse water loss.  

What is a public insurance adjuster?

When you file a claim, your homeowners insurance company  will assign a claims adjuster to you. The adjuster’s job is to evaluate your property damage and determine a payout amount based on the levels of coverage you carry on your policy.

Rather than using the insurance company’s adjuster, policyholders choose to hire a public adjuster instead.  A public adjuster will assess the damage to your property, help determine the scope of repairs and estimate the replacement value for those repairs. The big difference is that instead of working on behalf of the insurance company like an insurance claims adjuster does, a public claims adjuster works for you.


See our video series about Advocating for Nevada 


After your homeowners insurance company issues the settlement, the adjuster receives a percentage of the payout amount as payment for their services. It is important to note that insurers do not consider the payment amount owed to the adjuster when determining the claims payout amount. This payment would come from the homeowner who hired the adjuster instead.

Did you know that 

Public Adjusters get 747%

 higher settlements (on average) for 

policyholders than they get 

on their own? 

We're experienced public adjusters that specialize in representing homeowners like you!



Get Represented

It’s worth noting that you can also hire a public adjuster for an auto insurance claim. While public adjusters are more commonly associated with property damage claims, we also handle car insurance claims. We can assess the damages and prepare total loss valuation reports to maximize the settlement for the policyholder.


Auto Total Loss

When should you hire a public adjuster? 


A public adjuster will handle your claim and communicate with your insurance company on your behalf. Some people feel that the extra expense of hiring a public adjuster is worth it, if only for the peace of mind that they won’t have to handle the claims process themselves. Additionally, the public adjuster will look closely at your claim and help ensure that no damage is overlooked. Depending on what they find, you will usually get a larger insurance settlement to repair the identified damage.


A public adjuster might be right for you if:

  • Your claim is large or damage is severe
  • If you find working with insurance companies to be stressful
  • If you’ve had a poor claims experience in the past
  • You are too busy to correspond with your insurance company
  • If you feel that claim settlement is too low


How do you find the right public

 insurance adjuster?

Finding a public insurance adjuster is relatively easy. 

One way to find a public insurance adjuster is to get a recommendation from friends or family members. Ideally, you want to hire someone reputable and effective. Reading online customer reviews can also be helpful.

Here are our Google Reviews 


Make sure that the business is licensed in Nevada.

 Make sure that the company you choose has a team and is not a person acting as a company.  

Make sure that the company is local as they will be more familiar with the carrier adjusters, contractors, building codes, and mitigation companies.  Companies that are not local will have to travel several times to the loss location, they may even charge you for their expenses. 

Make sure that your public adjuster has an adjuster's license in the state of Nevada. 

We are, Public Adjuster, NV License #3843937


Does the public adjuster have the proper knowledge and training to handle your claim.  



The public adjuster should also be a member of a regional or national association.  

The public adjuster should have certifications in mitigation/restoration.

We are IICRC certified and have the knowledge and experience to assist your claim against the insurance carrier. 

We do, IICRC Certification #70041568


The insurance company is not certified in mitigation/restoration and the state of Nevada does not require the carrier's claims department to be licensed adjusters.  


 Do you have a loss to your personal property, is the public adjuster trained to inspect and prepare an inventory list. 


What does the public adjuster charge?  We charge 12% on most claims but will charge as much as 20% on claims with more complex handling or were denied.  


Some local companies charge as much as 25-33% which we feel is predatory but unfortunately is not against the law. 


We have many customers who originally started with other public adjusters who did not work on their claims, charged extremely high fees, and disappeared.   If you are a victim of these companies, you should contact the Nevada Department of Insurance.  We have assisted many clients with getting their claims back on track. 


What is the difference between a company adjuster and an independent adjuster?


Normally, when you file a claim with your home or car insurance company, it will assign one of its own adjusters to investigate your claim, come to a decision and determine a payout amount if the claim is approved. An independent adjuster does not directly work for an insurance company—understand that they are a vendor hired by the insurance carrier and they do not work for you. The independent adjuster submits their documents to the insurance carrier to determine your settlement. 
Do not confuse the carrier claim handler/claim representative/claim adjuster with the term independent adjuster (IA) but understand that they settle in favor of the carrier.  We are public adjusters (PA) who are hired by you and work on your behalf. 

We service the Clark County and Nye County areas. 

There are many companies posing as local public adjusters, but they are from out of the state.  They may do work in Nevada, but they are not in Nevada.  

The reason you should use a local public adjuster as we are familiar with the claims in this area.  We know of the local claim adjusters, contractors, mitigation companies, municipalities, and vendors.  Out of state adjusters will have to cover the additional expenses to handle your claims.  Not every company has actual local staffing.  Most claims will need your adjuster to meet with the insurance carrier, contractors, and vendors...several times even.  How are they going to cover those travel costs.  We charge a fair fee for this area, not all of the competition can say the same.   Contact us to further discuss your claim.   


Here is how you can tell that your adjuster is not in Nevada: 

  • Out of town area code or toll-free number
  • They will use the term boots on the ground
  • Virtual office used as their mailing address

Meeting with adjuster

Kirby meeting with an adjuster.

Neil Inspecting roof

Neil inspecting roof.

Kirby at an inspection

Kirby at inspection.

Nevada Insurance Claim Handling and Estimating

We are also out in the community: 


Attending a local convention at the M.

Attending a local convention at the M.

We donate to the following charities:

Meeting a customer and discussing her claim with the contractor's board 

Speakers at the Aging and Wellness Expo hosted by the Review Journal. 

Neil and Kirby speaking on Fire Safety for Seniors. 

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